Report A Case
Do you think you have had a paranormal or other type of anomalous experience, such as seeing an unidentified object in the sky or an unusual animal? If so, we would like to hear about it. But before telling us about it, please take note of the following.
As a scientific organisation, the function of ASSAP is primarily to collect material relating to these events and experiences for analysis.
Please use the form below to give us a brief account of your experience.
We will normally respond to you within a few days, and you will be contacted by our Investigation Officer, who may request further details. If we decide to take your report further, your case will be passed to an ASSAP registered investigator who will contact you and discuss the options you may have available.
Witnesses: If there are other witnesses to the event you would like us to consider, you should seek their permission and check if they are prepared to be contacted by us; the anonymity of all witnesses including you is our highest priority and will be assured.
Advice: If you are only seeking advice or guidance, ASSAP may be able to help, but it must be understood ASSAP holds no corporate opinion and does not engage in speculation.
Poltergeists and Hauntings: If you are reporting a current and ongoing case of haunting or poltergeist phenomena, we will discuss your available options. This may include us visiting in order to gain a more thorough understanding of your situation and circumstances. Please note that ASSAP cannot undertake anything with the intention of clearing you or the location of an apparent phenomena, and we do not perform any rituals or exorcisms. However, we are may be able to offer advice regarding the nature of, and in some instances, the likely causes of a phenomena. Please also note we are unable to provide a medium.
Mediumship, healing, and extra sensory perception [ESP] (reading minds, or seeing what is happening elsewhere): We are interested if you believe you have such talents, and may contact you, if you are willing, to be tested in future. We may also recommend that you consider approaching other institutions that can help you in developing your skills.
Premonitions: Please provide as much detail as possible, with timings and witness testimony if possible. If you experience premonitions regularly, then we would be willing to store your impressions of possible future events in the expectation that you would inform us if and when they come to pass.
Out-of-Body Experience: This refers to a sense of floating outside your body. If you can report an event distant from the location of your body, this may be important evidence.
Near-Death Experience: Usually in the context of a medical crisis, a near-death experience may constitute evidence of survival beyond death. Medical evidence would be helpful.
Photographs, video and audio recordings: Unusual photographs may be of interest. The phenomenon of “orbs” appearing in photographs and videos has been satisfactorily explained by natural causes so ordinarily we no longer consider these pictures and videos. If you have any media that you would like us to examine, please also provide us with a full description of the context, and details of the camera or recording device.
Medical issues: Paranormal phenomena can be associated with medical problems, both physical and psychological. They are often associated with stressful events, recent, or in the past. Some medications may cause side effects including perceptual disturbances. Do not be offended if you are asked about the possibility of medical problems, and medications you might be taking. You have every right to withhold such information.
Privacy Notice: ASSAP adheres to the General Data Protection Regulations. Basic personal information is necessary to give context to your experience, e.g., where you live, your age and other circumstances. Material that we may wish to archive will be anonymised, and your contact details will be kept separately by an appointed ASSAP official. In some instances, information may be shared (only with your explicit permission), with bona fide researchers. We may also ask your permission to publish a report relating to your experience (suitably anonymised) in any future publication.
Please note that members of ASSAP’s investigation team are trusted volunteers who work from home, using their own and will normally use their personal email account. If it is considered that no further action need be taken with your information, you will be informed, and thanked for your contribution and all material pertaining to your enquiry will be deleted from our records. General data i.e., type of experience and non-identifying basic demographic information may be collected for scientific purposes and may be published to assist other researchers.
If you submit your experience using the form on this page, you are agreeing to ASSAP handling your experience and personal information. If you do not agree or are concerned that information about your experience or personal information may be at risk, then please do not submit your experience.
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