ASSAP is a scientifically-orientated educational and research charity and learned society dedicated to a better understanding of anomalous phenomena. As well as education, we carry out investigations and research.
Anomalous phenomena divide broadly into four areas: psychic phenomena (ghosts, telepathy, mediumship, etc.), Fortean phenomena (cryptozoology, fish falling from the sky, etc.), Earth Mysteries (leys, archaeoastronomy, etc.) and UFOs.
As part of our educational remit, this website includes lots of practical information such as:
- paranormal investigation hints
- equipment used on paranormal vigils
- an extensive section on paranormal photos
- articles on research and previous cases
Also, we undertake training for paranormal investigators.
Corporate status
We are a registered charity (327422) and company limited by guarantee (2075226). Registered office is at ASSAP, Unit 36, 88-90 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8PN. For more information on our status, see FAQ.
ASSAP has public liability insurance for ASSAP events training, this also covers Investigations
ASSAP is registered under the UK Data Protection Act. In line with data protection principles, this website is not used for the collection of information about its visitors.
Neither ASSAP, nor any authors contributing to this website, are responsible for any action by readers as a result of reading information on this website. Readers should not regard the information given on this website as constituting advice for any action on their part.
If you have any complaints about ASSAP, please visit our contact page.
Over 42 years researching
ASSAP was founded on 10 June 1981. Founders included well known authors Hilary Evans and Jenny Randles as well as Fortean Times editor Bob Rickard and scientists Drs Hugh Pincott and Vernon Harrison. Other founders included Alan Cleaver and Maurice Townsend.
Corporate views
ASSAP has no corporate views. Views or opinions expressed by members are theirs alone. We do, however, actively promote the scientific method.
ASSAP, investigating the weird seriously (and the seriously weird) since 1981.
Most photos: Val Hope and Maurice Townsend (all are copyright)
Drawings (including ASSAP logo): Wendy Milner
We have tried our best to attribute copyright correctly on this site. We will make corrections as soon possible, once mistakes are pointed out. All articles written specifically for this website are copyright Maurice Townsend. Any other material without a specific attribution is copyright ASSAP (2006-2011). If you wish to use any material, please ask first.
We have tried to ensure the accuracy of information on this website, however occasional mistakes are inevitable. Visit our contact page
ASSAP is not responsible for the content of websites at any external with links from this site. Please inform us of any problems (such as inappropriate content) with such links. Visit our contact page
Latest ASSAP Articles
An Update for the Curious
Uncanny (TV Show) Review – Episode 1 “Miss Howard”
Microsleep with REM
Mysterious Object Seen Flying Out of Lightning Clouds in North Gloucestershire
Latest ASSAP Blog
ASSAP blog May 2024
Microsleep with REM
Ghost in an empty shop
Imperception – when things simply vanish
The Garden Poltergeist