ASSAP holds an archive consisting mainly of investigation reports submitted by members over the years, together with a small number of documented research studies and early administrative records. The organisation also holds both a reference library and a small lending library of books related to anomalous phenomena. To Access these, first please read the guidelines HERE


Any bona-fide researcher who requires a copy of an archived file should request it from the Archivist via   If the file is in electronic form, it will then be e-mailed to the researcher.   If it exists only in paper form, the researcher will be notified of the cost of copying, postage and packing and, upon receipt of that amount, a copy of the file will be posted to the researcher.  Unless confidentiality has been declined by the client of the relevant investigation, the report copy will exclude real names and addresses, e.g. the key sheet will not be copied. The Archive Catalogue can be viewed here >

Reference Library

Access to this library is available for all ASSAP members.   Any member who wishes to use any of the books for reference purposes is welcome to visit the library (currently located in North-East Derbyshire) but an appointment must be requested first via   Alternatively, for members for whom the location of the library is geographically inconvenient, a request may be made to make the required book(s) available at an ASSAP event, e.g. a conference.   In addition, members may request the Librarian to check references or provide short extracts from the relevant book(s), to aid in members’ research. Reference Library

Lending Library

Any ASSAP member may borrow books from this library. The member should send an e-mail to, stating which item(s) are required (up to a maximum of three). The Librarian will inform the member as to whether the books are available and how much it will cost to have them posted to the member via second class post.   Apart from p&p, no charge will be made for borrowing.   Upon receipt of the p&p cost, the books will be posted to the member, who will need to return the books within three months.

The books need to be treated with great care: writing in the margins, highlighting text and bending corners are not permitted. A charge will be made to replace damaged or lost books. Lending Library Catalogue 

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